10 Best Dandelion Killer | Check Before Buying!

Dandelions are a widely-distributed broadleaf weed typically found in lawns, nurseries, and landscape ornamental beds. They produce a deep taproot, which makes it difficult to remove them by hand, especially when they are established. Luckily, here’s where dandelion killers come in!

To know more about the best dandelion killer products, their specifications, application rate, product dimensions, and other related information, read this article!

Types of Dandelion Killer

Types of Dandelion Killer
  • Preemergence herbicides. These are formulated to control dandelions by disturbing the germination and emergence of their seedlings. They prevent weeds from growing by forming a protective barrier on your lawn. They are usually applied in the spring, although some products can be added as early as winter.
  • Postemergence herbicides. Controls established dandelions whose seeds have already germinated and emerged. In other words, these products control mature dandelions. They are usually applied in the late summer or early fall season when dandelions are small but actively growing.

When to Apply Dandelion Killer?

When to Apply Dandelion Killer

It depends on the product. Generally, herbicides are most effective during the fall season, when the weeds transport nutrients down to their roots to prepare for the winter. If sprayed during this time, the weeds will naturally distribute the herbicide and nutrients they acquire to their roots, and they will eventually die.

However, most products are preemergence herbicides, which means they are best applied in spring. Usually, these products need a second application in the fall season to increase their effectiveness. 

How Often to Apply Dandelion Killer?

Most dandelion killers require not more than two applications a year. Manufacturers highly discourage applying more than twice.

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Dandelion Killer?

  • Timing of application. Choose whether you want to prevent the growth of a new batch of dandelions in the next season or if you want to get rid of the current dandelion populations you have in your lawn. 
  • Formulation. Most herbicides come in liquid or emulsified formulations. Whether you want them that way or prefer granules instead is your choice. Granules are often used for lawns when spraying is impractical or inconvenient for the user.
  • Persistence and performance. The herbicide should be able to last long in the soil and show visible results. It should be able to provide protection that lasts an entire growing season.
  • Lawn size. Another important factor to consider so that you would know which product size to buy. Although dandelion killers generally have a long shelf life, they may be costly to some gardeners.

10 Best Dandelion Killer

Espoma Organic Weed Preventer

Espoma Organic Weed Preventer-25 lb. CGP25, 25 lb
  • Espoma Organic Weed Preventer . All natural weed preventer and...

Active Ingredients: 9% total nitrogen

Features: Safe for the environment, pets, and kids, this weed preventer provides slow-release, long-lasting nitrogen derived from corn gluten meal to combat the growth of dandelions just before they grow. It comes as a granulated formulation, making it easier for gardeners to apply to their lawns. 

How to Use: 

  • Apply 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet twice a year during the spring, right before the weeds germinate, and in early fall. Do so by ensuring the lawn is dry and has been recently mowed. Use a drop or broadcast spreader to apply, overlapping slightly between areas. Water lightly if there is no rainfall within 24 hours.

Product Dimensions: No dimensions, weight of 25 pounds

Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed

Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed3, Weed Killer Plus Lawn Fertilizer, Controls Dandelion and Clover, 5,000 sq. ft., 14.29 lbs.
  • Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed3 weed killer plus fertilizer...
  • Controls over 50 listed lawn weeds, including clover, dandelion,...
  • Apply this combination weed control and lawn food to a wet lawn...
  • This lawn care product can be applied to Bahiagrass,...
  • One 14.29 lb. bag of Scotts Turf Builder Weed & Feed3 covers...

Active Ingredients: 28% nitrogen, 3% soluble potash, 7% sulfur, 1.21% 2, 4-D, 0.61% mecoprop-p 

Features: Not only does it control dandelions, but it also prevents the growth of over 50 weed species. It is also able to build thicker and greener turf. This product is formulated with WaterSart technology, allowing it to absorb water and essential nutrients better.

How to Use:

  • Ensure the grass is moist and the weeds are in their active growth stage during the spring season. If your grass is tall, mow it a day or two before application. 
  • Use a broadcast or drop spreader and set it at 3 ½ or 5 ¾ respectively. 1 bag covers up to 5,000 square feet of lawn area. 
  • A second application may be done if the weeds are stubborn or during the fall season. There should be at least 30 days between applications. Avoid applying more than twice a year.
  • Sweep product that has strayed onto hard surfaces and back into the lawn. Pets and people should be kept off the lawn until the granules fully settle on the grass. 

Product Dimensions: 18.5” (length) x 3.5” (width) x 12.5 (height), with a weight of 14.22 pounds.

Eco Garden Pro Organic Vinegar Weed Killer

ECO Garden PRO - Organic Vinegar Weed Killer | Kid/Pet Safe | Clover Moss, Green Grass & Poison Ivy Killer for Lawns | Spray Ready Glyphosate Free Herbicide (1 Gallon)
  • ✔️ PET & KID SAFE HERBICIDE - Eco Garden Pro Weed Killer is...
  • ✔️ WORKS FOR CLOVER, MOSS, & POISON IVY - Eco Garden Pro Weed...
  • ✔️ GREEN LAWN FOR A GREEN ENVIRONMENT - Eco Garden Pro Weed...

Active Ingredients: 8% acetic acid, 5% sodium chloride

Features: With an organic formulation, this ready-to-use, broad-spectrum herbicide is safe for children, pets, and the environment. Since this is a contact type, it will not hurt any desirable grasses and plants in the vicinity of the treated area. Results can be seen in less than 24 hours after application!

How to Use:

  • Set it to the finest mist setting on your applicator or spreader to allow for the best coverage. Apply the product on bright and sunny days or in the early afternoon. Avoid using it during or right after it has rained in your area. 
  • When applying the product, do so directly on the foliage of the dandelions since this only works through contact. Do not spray on the root zone or pour the product into the soil.
  • 1 gallon can treat about 1,000 square feet of lawn area and work for residential, industrial, commercial, and agricultural uses.

Product Dimensions: 10.59” (length) x 6.26” (width) x 5.16” (height), with a weight of 8.86 pounds.

Preen Extended Dandelion Control Weed Preventer

Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer - 4.93 lb. Bottle - Covers 805 sq. ft.
  • One application blocks weeds up to 6 months
  • When used as directed Preen Extended Control Weed Preventer can...
  • Flip-top applicator cap makes it easy to apply
  • Not intended for use on flower seeds, lawns, vegetable gardens,...
  • Not available for sale in NY

Active Ingredients: 1.5% trifluralin, 0.375% edoxaban

Features: Guaranteeing protection against dandelions for up to 6 months, this product comes with a flip-top applicator cap, making it more convenient for gardeners to apply it. This herbicide works as a preemergence control, hence the removal of any existing weeds is essential for its performance.

How to Use:

  • Apply sometime between the end of the dandelion’s growing season and into the early spring to keep the weeds from germinating. For dandelions growing around established ornamental plants, apply during the growing season. Reapply 6 months later.
  • Sprinkle the product around the plant, then water it in. If watering is inconvenient for you, simply rake the product into the soil lightly. 
  • The rate is 0.98 ounces per 10 square feet of lawn. Do not exceed 18.37 pounds of product per 1,000 square feet in a year.

Product Dimensions: 4.75” (length) x 8.5” (width) x 11.5” (height), with a weight of 4.93 pounds.

Roundup For Lawns Ready to Use – All-in-One Weed Killer

Roundup For Lawns1 Ready to Use - All-in-One Weed Killer for Lawns, Kills Weeds - Not the Lawn, One Solution for Crabgrass, Dandelions, Clover and Nutsedge, For Use on Northern Grasses, 1.33 gal.
  • Weed killer with an extended wand to make it easy to spot-treat...
  • Kills over 250 weeds, including crabgrass, dandelion, clover, and...
  • Lawn weed killer for use on Northern grasses, including Kentucky...
  • Starts working immediately and rainproof in as little as 3 hours
  • For hard-to-kill summer crabgrass and grassy weeds, use Roundup...

Active Ingredients: 0.015% sulfentrazone, 0.029% dicamba, dimethylamine salt, 0.118% quinclorac, 0.0257% MCPA, dimethylamine salt

Features: Other than providing control against dandelions, this weed killer can also kill over 250 weed species without harming your lawn. Once applied, the product works immediately and becomes rainproof in as fast as 3 hours. It also comes with an extended wand for your added convenience!

How to Use:

  • From the side clip, remove the wand, then unwrap the hose. Thrust the plug at the end of the hose into the cap opening until it clicks, then turn the knob on by twisting it. Afterward, extend the wand fully.
  • Twist the nozzle to your desired spray pattern, then point it away from your body before holding the trigger to spray continuously toward the weeds.
  • This product can treat up to 1,330 square feet of lawn and should be applied as a pre-emergence control. 
  • After use, ensure that the lock on the wand is secured and the knob is turned off. 
  • You can reapply after 3 to 4 weeks of the first application but make sure you do not make more than 2 applications a year.

Product Dimensions: 5.5” (length) x 9.5” (width) x 12” (height), with a weight of 0.01 ounces.

Southern Ag 2, 4-D Amine Weed Killer

Southern Ag Amine 2,4-D WEED KILLER, 32oz - Quart
  • Low, economical use rate of 1 to 4 pints per acre
  • Controls many broadleaf weeds & woody plants
  • Use in turf, pastures, rangeland, ditch banks, fences…

Active Ingredients: 46.3% Dimethylamine salt of 2,4-D-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 

Features: If you want a more economical choice, this product is the best for you since one acre uses only 1 to 4 pints. This weed killer can control dandelions found in lawns, pastures, parks, and golf courses and is used as postemergence control. It will not harm any desirable plants since it is selective.

How to Use:

  • Mix 2 to 3 tablespoons in 3 to 5 gallons of water to cover 1,000 square feet of lawn. This product is best applied as a water spray when the weeds are actively growing. When using a spray, use a low spray pressure to reduce spray drift. 
  • Avoid applying during drought periods. Deep-rooted dandelions may require repeat applications for best results.

Product Dimensions: 3” (length) x 1.5” (width) x 5” (height), with a weight of 2 pounds.

Ortho Weed B Gon Weed And Dandelion Killer

Ortho Weed B Gon Plus Crabgrass Control Ready-To-Use Comfort Wand, 1 gallon
  • Kills crabgrass, dandelions and other common lawn weeds
  • Kills weeds to the roots
  • Kills 200+ weeds
  • Won’t harm the lawn— (when used as directed)
  • Starts working immediately

Active Ingredients: 6.42% 2,4-D dimethylamine salt, 2.13% quinclorac, 0.60% dicamba, dimethylamine salt

Features: When used as directed, this dandelion killer will not be able to harm your lawn and other desirable plants. Not only does it control dandelion populations, but it also kills more than 200 other weed species down to their roots.

How to Use:

  • Apply in the spring before the dandelions are 4 inches in height or when you first notice them. Daytime temperatures should be below 90°F.
  • Connect your garden hose to the sprayer on the product bottle, then turn on the water. Go to the farthest point in your lawn from the faucet, then start spraying there. Work backward towards the faucet, and make sure to spray evenly. 
  • After treating the area, switch your sprayer off before turning the water off. Detach the sprayer from the product bottle.
  • You can spot-treat stubborn dandelions 21 days after the first broadcast application. 

Product Dimensions: 9” (length) x 12” (width) x 4.88” (height), with a weight of 10.4 pounds.

Green Gobbler 20% Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer

Green Gobbler 20% Vinegar Weed & Grass Killer | Natural & Organic | Concentrated | 1 Gallon Spray | Glyphosate Free Herbicide
  • CERTIFIED FOR ORGANIC USE — Completely eliminates and...
  • KILLS WEEDS FAST — Eliminate any type of weed in just a matter...
  • POWERFUL FORMULA — NO cancer-causing chemicals....
  • SAFE TO USE ANYWHERE — Perfect for agricultural use only. Apply...
  • This Product is Not Available for Sale in CA

Active Ingredients: 20% acetic acid

Features: Made from 100% corn grains and free from bleach, sulfates, chloride, or dyes, this organic dandelion killer eliminates weeds without toxic chemicals. It is best for industrial, residential, agricultural, and commercial use. Expect results in less than 24 hours!

How to Use:

  • Add the product to a pump sprayer, then spot-treat unwanted dandelions thoroughly. Make sure not to let any spray drift, as it can kill grasses and other desirable plants within the vicinity of the treated area.

Product Dimensions: 12.64” (length) x 7.44” (width) x 4.09” (height), with a weight of 9.08 pounds.

Spectracide Weed & Feed

Spectracide Weed & Feed 20-0-0 (Ready-to-Spray) (32 fl oz), 1 pack
  • DUAL-ACTION FORMULA: Kills major broadleaf weeds while feeding...
  • FEEDS LAWN: Fertilizes with 20 percent nitrogen formulation.
  • KILLS WEEDS: Controls dandelion, chickweed, knotweed, plantain,...
  • QUICKFLIP SPRAYER: Just connect to your hose and spray – just...
  • COVERAGE: 32 ounces treats up to 7,500 square feet of lawn.

Active Ingredients: 3.25% 2,4-D, dimethylamine salt, 1.63% mecoprop-p dimethylamine salt, 1.61% dichloro-p, dimethylamine salt

Features: As the name suggests, this product is formulated to kill major broadleaf weeds while simultaneously fertilizing your lawns, as it contains 20% nitrogen. It comes in a quick flip sprayer bottle for your convenience too!

How to Use:

  • Shake the product before connecting a garden hose to the sprayer nozzle. Turn on the water at the faucet, then extend the hose to the farthest area of the lawn. Begin spraying by turning on the nozzle. Work backward towards the faucet. 
  • The weeds should be wet with the product. Make sweeping motions and slightly overlap the treated areas.
  • Once you’re done applying, turn the sprayer nozzle off before turning the water off at the faucet. Store in a cool area away from heat, sunlight, or open flame.
  • The product can cover 5,000 to 7,500 square feet of lawn.

Product Dimensions: 2.75” (length) x 5.56” (width) x 11.38” (height), with a weight of 2.7 pounds.

Bonide Chickweed, Clover, and Oxalis Killer

Bonide Chickweed, Clover and Oxalis Killer, 16 oz Concentrate, Controls Weeds and Roots without Harming Lawn
  • TOTAL WEED KILLER - Spray eliminates chickweed, clover,...
  • SAFE FOR GRASS - Designed to kill a variety of weeds, not lawn...
  • NEEDS TO BE MIXED - Product arrives as a concentrate that needs...
  • INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH - One pint of this herbicide concentrate can...
  • FAST ACTING - Begins working overnight and is rainproof within...

Active Ingredients: 13.72% dimethylamine Salt of 2-Methyl-4-Chlorophenoxyacetic Acid, 1.56% Triethylamine Salt of 3, 5, 6-Trichloro-2-Pyridinyloxyacetic Acid, 1.35% Dimethylamine Salt of Dicamba

Features: If you’re having trouble with stubborn dandelions, this is the best product for you as this comes with a, powerful formulation that can kill even the toughest weed species down to its roots. Despite that, it won’t harm your lawn or any desirable plants if you use it as directed!

How to Use:

  • Apply when the weeds are actively growing. Avoid mowing the lawn 1 to 2 days before and after the application. Use a tank or hose-end sprayer for broadcast applications, but you can also use this product as a spot treatment.
  • The rate should be 3.2 fluid ounces of product in 2.5 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet of lawn.

Product Dimensions: No dimensions given weight is 16 fluid ounces

How to Use a Dandelion Killer?

Depending on the product, it may be incorporated into the soil as is the case for granular herbicides or applied on contact through the dandelion’s foliage.

List of Sources

Dandelion as a Landscape Weed – https://extension.psu.edu/dandelion-as-a-landscape-weed

Guide to Effective Weed Control – https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/guide-to-effective-weed-control.html

Preemergence Herbicides for the Home Lawn – https://aggieturf.tamu.edu/wp-content/uploads/Preemergence-Herbicide-Guide-4.pdf

Managing Dandelions In Your Lawn With Herbicide – https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/extension/extension-topics/gardening-and-horticulture/lawn-and-yard/managing-dandelions-your-lawn